Popular Hymns
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Title or First line |
201 |
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
202 |
What Child is this, who, laid to rest,
203 |
What wondrous love is this, O my soul, O my soul,
204 |
What a friend we have in Jesus
205 |
When I survey the wondrous cross,
206 |
When morning gilds the sky,
207 |
When peace like a river attendeth my way,
208 |
While shepherds watched their flocks by night,
209 |
You servants of God, your Master proclaim,
210 |
Abide with me; fast falls the eventide,
211 |
All creatures of our God and King,
212 |
All hail the power of Jesus’ Name! Let angels prostrate fall,
213 |
All in the April morning,
214 |
All my hope on God is founded,
215 |
All people that on earth do dwell
216 |
Lead, kindly Light, amid th’encircling gloom, lead Thou me on!
217 |
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us,
218 |
Let there be light, Lord God of hosts,
219 |
Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim,
220 |
The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want,
221 |
Lord of all being, thronèd afar,
222 |
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord,
223 |
All things bright and beautiful,
224 |
My hope is built on nothing less,
225 |
My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine,