Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.400
First Line: Whoever receiveth the crucified One,
Whoever receiveth the crucified One,
Whoever believeth on God's only Son,
A free and a perfect salvation shall have :
For He is abundantly able to save.
My brother, the Mas ter is calling for thee ; . . .
His grace and His mer - - - cy are wondrously free ! . . .
His blood as a ran som for sinners He gave, . . .
And He is abun - - - dantly able to save.
2 Whoever receiveth the message of God,
And trusts in the power of the soul-cleansing blood,
A full and eternal redemption shall have :
For He is both able and willing to save.
3 Whoever repents and forsakes every sin,
And opens his heart for the Lord to come in,
A present and perfect salvation shall have :
For Jesus is ready this moment to save.