Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.1007

First Line: Well you meet me in the morning,

Well you meet me in the morning,
On that bright and golden shore ?
Will your lamp be trimmed and burning,
When He comes to take you o'er ?

Yes, I'll meet . . . you in the morn ing,
When I hear . . . the Saviour's call ; . . .
Come, ye bles sed of My Fa ther,
To a home . . . prepared for all. . . .

2 Oh to meet on that bright morning,
When the clouds have passed away !
Oh to walk and talk with Jesus,
There to dwell with Him for aye !

3 When we meet our loving Saviour,
What a happy hour 'twill be,
When we're gathered with our loved
And their happy faces see ! [ones,

4 Oh, this thought should make us
And we all should love Him more ;
For He'll come, and will not tarry,
Come to bear us safely o'er.