Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.548

First Line: Thou knowest, Lord, Thou knowest all about me,

Thou knowest, Lord, Thou knowest all about me,
And all the winding way my feet have trod;
And now Thou know'st I cannot go
without Thee,
To guide me onward through the swelling flood.

2 Thou know'st my way---how lone,
how dark, how cheerless,
If Thy dear hand I fail in all to see :
Bright with Thy smile of love, my
heart is fearless,
When in my weakness I can lean on Thee.

3 Give me Thy presence ! Go Thou,
Lord, before me,
Make a plain path where all is
rough and drear; [o'er me,
So let me trust the love that watches
And in the shadows still believe
Thee near.