Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.856

First Line: There's a wonderful story I've heard long ago,

There's a wonderful story I've heard long ago,
'Tis called The sweet story of old ;
I hear it so often, wherever I go
That same old story is told ;
And I've thought it was strange that
so often they'd tell
That story as if it were new ;
But I've found out the reason they
loved it so well —
That old, old story is true !

That old, old story is true,
That old, old story is true ;
But I've found out the reason they loved it so
That old, old story is true ! [well —

2 They told of a Saviour so lovely and pure,
That came to the earth to dwell,
To seek for His lost ones, and make them secure
From death and the power of hell ;
That He was despised, and with
thorns He was crowned,
On the cross was extended to view ;
But oh, what sweet peace in my heart since I've found
That old, old story is true !
But oh, what sweet peace in my heart since
That old, old story is true 1 [I've found

3 He arose and ascended to heaven, we're told,
Triumphant o'er death and hell ;
He's preparing a place in that city of gold,
Where loved ones for ever may dwell ;
Where our kindred we'll meet, and
we'll nevermore part ;
And oh, while I tell it to you,
It is peace to my soul, it is joy to my heart —
That old, old story is true !
It is peace to my soul, it is joy to my heart-
That old, old story is true 1

4 Oh, that wonderful story I love to repeat,
Of peace and goodwill to men ;
There's no story to me that is half so sweet,
As I hear it again and again.
He invites you to come — He will freely receive,
And this message He sendeth to you,
There's a mansion in glory for all who believe,
That old, old story is true.
There's a mansion in glory for all who
That old, old story is true I [believe,