Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.808
First Line: There is joy in the service of Jesus,
There is joy in the service of Jesus
our Lord,
There is joy in reposing our faith in His word ;
There is joy in confiding our all to
His care,
There is joy in sweet answers to prayer.
There is joy in the service of Jesus our Lord,
There is fulness of joy and eternal reward ;
There is joy that abideth, our souls know it well,
There is joy that we never can tell.
2 There is joy when we slumber, and joy
when we wake, [for His sake ;
There is joy when we suffer reproach
Though our pathway through life may
be toilsome and long,
We will brighten the journey with song.
3 There is joy when He calls us His
workers to be, [we can see ;
There is joy in affliction — His hand
There is joy in temptation, for then
we can hide
In His arms, who was tempted and tried.