Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.940

First Line: There is an hour of peaceful rest,

There is an hour of peaceful rest,
To mourning wanderers given ;
There is a joy for souls distrest,
A balm for every wounded breast ;
'Tis found above — in heaven.

2 There is a home for weary souls
By sin and sorrow driven —
When tossed on life's tempestuous shoals,
Where storms arise and ocean rolls,
And all is drear — but heaven.

3 There faith lifts up her cheerful eye
To brighten prospects given ;
And views the tempests passing by,
The evening shadows quickly fly,
And all serene — in heaven.

4 There fragrant flowers immortal bloom,
And joys supreme are given ;
There rays divine disperse the gloom ;
Beyond the confines of the tomb
Appears the dawn — of heaven !