Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.1104
First Line: The vows of God are on you, ye Christian youth, arise ,
The vows of God are on you, ye Christian youth, arise ;
The blood of Christ has won you your
heritage, the skies.
Rise up, cast off your fetters ; born of celestial birth,
Ye are no longer debtors to live alone for earth.
The vows of God are on you, O Christian
youth, arise ; [beyond the skies.
The blood of Christ has won you a home
2 It is no idle story, it is no dream of night,
Redeemed in Christ to glory, ye children of the light.
The vows of God are on you, rise up,
and make them good ;
He will at last enthrone you, in death
for you He stood.
Then every fetter sunder, aside lay every chain,
And dream no more, nor wander, your calling high attain.
He sets a prize before you, who won the prize before ;
His blessed banner o'er you shall float for evermore.
4 With sin, then, do not dally, with
flowers do not delay,
But round Christ's standard rally, as
children of the day ;
Rise up, no wish reserving, lay every
weight aside, [He bled and died.
With joy your Master serving, for you