Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.1027
First Line: The tide is flowing out, is flowing out,
The tide is flowing out, is flowing out ;
And we upon its bosom borne
Are drifting to the sea ;
Drifting toward the portals of the boundless sea,
Past all mortal vision to Eternity.
Drifting . . nearer . . to the sea of Eternity ;
Drifting . . nearer . . to the sea of Eternity.
2 The tide is flowing out, is flowing out ;
And some upon its bosom borne
Are drifting to the sea ;
Drifting on to glory, past all pain and care,
Into heaven's brightness where the ransomed are.
3 The tide is flowing out, is flowing out,
And others on its bosom borne
Are drifting to the sea ;
Drifting out to darkness, far from
love and light,
Where the storms are raging, into endless night.
4 The tide is flowing out, is flowing out ;
But hark ! upon its bosom borne
A voice floats o'er the sea ;
'Tis the Saviour calling to His
sheltering breast,
Come to Me, ye weary, I will give you rest.