Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.532

First Line: Take Thou my hand, and lead me,

Take Thou my hand, and lead me----
Choose Thou my way !
Not as I will, O Father, teach me to say.
What though the storms may gather,
Thou knowest best ;
Safe in Thy holy keeping, there would I rest

2 Take Thou my hand, and lead me---
Lord, I am Thine !
Fill with Thy Holy Spirit this heart of mine :
Then in the hour of trial
Strong shall I be,
Ready to do, or suffer, dear Lord, for Thee.

3 Take Thou my hand, and lead me,
Lord, as I go ;
Into Thy perfect image help me to grow.
Still in Thine own pavilion
Shelter Thou me ; [close to Thee !
Keep me, O Father, keep me close,