Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.948
First Line: Speeding away o'er the river of time,
Speeding away o'er the river of time,
Where the sweet bells of eternity chime ;
Speeding away to the Eden above,
Filled with the fulness of rapture and
Beautiful land, . . beautiful land, [love.
In thy green pastures the weary shall rest :
Beautiful land, . . beautiful land,
Home of the glorified, home of the blest.
2 Speeding away to the valley of song,
Speeding away to a glorified throng ;
Sweeping the chords of their harps while they sing,
Glory to Jesus our Saviour and King.
3 Speeding away to be severed no more,
Speeding away to the evergreen shore ;
There in the garments of beauty arrayed,
Flowers are blooming that never shall fade.
4 Speeding away, we are speeding away,
On to the region of infinite day ;
Only a veil to be lifted, and then,
Oh, what a meeting with dear ones again !