Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.586

First Line: Oh, suffer me to come to Thee,

Oh, suffer me to come to Thee,
Jesus, the Son ;
Oh, may my heart from evil part
To Thee be won.

2 Thy blessing give ; help me to live,
Jesus, for Thee ;
Nor let me stray from Thee away,
But strengthen me.

3 Safe in the arms that guard from
Jesus, my Guide, [harms,
Protect me still, keep me from ill,
Close to Thy side.

4 So strong Thou art, control my heart,
Jesus, most kind ;
Oh, make me true, my soul renew,
To Thee it bind.

5 When ends my life from care and strife,
Jesus, with Thee,
In heavenly peace, where sin doth cease,
At home I'll be.