Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.666

First Line: O peace divine and pure,

O peace divine and pure,
In wildest storm secure,
That feels the summer's glow
'Mid wintry ice and snow ;
When may I rise to this dear prize,
And fill my breast with inward rest ?

2 My life is tempest-tossed,
With wayward currents crossed,
Unhallowed cares deface
The soul's most holy place ;
How may I bind these cares, and find
All passion spent in calm content ?

3 And though through storm and
I sail the vasty seas [stress
Of troubled thought----in vain
I toil the shore to gain :
For yet within I'd feel my sin,
And still afar would shine Thy star.

4 Lord, only from Thy face
Beams forth this mystic grace,
And only in Thy love,
Beneath, around, above, [whole,
May my weak soul grow great and
And peace divine be fully mine.