Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.1063
First Line: Light in the darkness, sailor, day is at hand,
Light in the darkness, sailor, day is at hand !
See o'er the foaming billows fair Haven's land ;
Drear was the voyage, sailor, now almost o'er ;
Safe within the lifeboat, sailor, pull for the shore.
Pull for the shore ? sailor, pull for the shore I
Heed not the rolling waves, but bend to the oar ;
Safe in the lifeboat, sailor, cling to self no more !
Leave the poor old stranded wreck, and pullfor the shore.
2 Trust in the lifeboat, sailor; all else will fail :
Stronger the surges dash and fiercer the gale ;
Heed not the stormy winds, though loudly they roar;
Watch the Bright and Morning
Star, and pull for the shore.
3 Bright gleams the morning, sailor, uplift the eye ;
Clouds and darkness disappearing, glory is nigh !
Safe in the lifeboat, sailor, sing evermore :
Glory, glory, hallelujah ! Pull for the shore.