Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.15

First Line: Let us sing of the love of the Lord,

Let us sing of the love of the Lord,
As now unto Him we draw nigh;
Let us sing to the praise of the God of all grace,
For the love that gave Jesus to die !
Oh, the love that gave Jesus to die !
The love that gave Jesus to die !
Praise God, it is mine, this love so divine,
The love that gave Jesus to die !

2 Oh, how great was the love that was
To us ! we can never tell why
Not to angels, but men; let us praise
Him again,
For the love that gave Jesus to die !br/>
3 Now this love unto allGod commends,
Not one would His mercy pass by ;
Whosoever shall call,here is pardon for all
In the love that gave Jesus to die !

4 Who is he that can separate those
Whom God doth in love justify ?
Whatsoever we need He includes in
the deed
In the love that gave Jesus to die !