Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.454

First Line: If Jesus should call you to-day, dear friend,

If Jesus should call you to-day, dear friend,
To stand at His Judgment-seat,
And you knew that this hour your
life would end,
Would the summons be sad or sweet ?

Oh, would . . you be ready . . .
If Jesus should call you to-day ? . .
Oh, would . . you be ready, . . .
Be ready His call to obey ? . .

2 If Jesus should call you to-day, to-day,
Oh, what would your answer be ?
Could you with rejoicing His voice obey,
Be glad His dear face to see ?

3 Oh, would you be ready to lay life down,
If Jesus should come to-day?
Would you know there awaiteth for you a crown
That never shall fade away ?

4 Be ready, be ready ! you know not when
The summons to you may come.
When you shall be missed from the
haunts of men,
And enter your final doom.