Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.518
First Line: He leadeth His own with a gentle hand,
He leadeth His own with a gentle hand,
A wonderful Saviour have we !
Oh, where is the friend that on earth we can find
So full of compassion as He ?
Won - - - derful Saviour, won - - - derful Saviour
Watching so tenderly o'er us !
Shedding bright sunshine before us ;
Glo - - ry, hon - - our, and praise . . to His name !
2 He leadeth His own with a gentle hand,
Whenever we faint by the way ;
How precious the blessings that fall from His throne,
Like dew at the close of the day !
3 He leadeth His own with a gentle hand,
And when we are sorrow-oppressed,
He gathers us under the shade of His love,
And there on His bosom we rest.
4 He leadeth His own with a gentle hand,
And oh, when our journey is o'er,
What rapture in Eden to sit at His feet,
And praise Him when time is no more !