Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.891
First Line: Hallelujah ! Jesus saves me ,
Hallelujah ! Jesus saves me ;
Oh, the sweet and precious story !
I will give Him all the glory,
And adore His love to me.
From oppression He has brought me ;
From its bonds has set me free ;
I will praise Him for His mercy ;
Grace divine my song shall be.
2 Hallelujah ! Jesus hears me ; [ing,
When in prayer His throne address-
While in faith I seek His blessing,
Then His smile revealed I see.
3 Hallelujah ! Jesus leads me ;
I will doubt His promise never,
But believing, follow ever
Him who gave His life for me.
4 Hallelujah ! Jesus keeps me ;
In the Rock He safely hides me,
Every comfort He provides me,
Never friend so dear as He.