Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.1150
First Line: Great God, and wilt Thou condescend ,
Great God, and wilt Thou condescend
To be my Father and my Friend ?
I a poor child, and Thou so high,
The Lord of earth, and air, and sky ?
2 Art Thou my Father ? Canst Thou bear
To hear my poor imperfect prayer ?
Or wilt Thou listen to the praise
That such a little one can raise ?
3 Art Thou my Father ? Let me be
A meek, obedient child to Thee;
And try in word, and deed, and thought,
To serve and please Thee as I ought.
4 Art Thou my Father ? I'll depend
Upon the care of such a Friend ;
And only wish to do and be
Whatever seemeth good to Thee.
5 Art Thou my Father ? Then at last,
When all my days on earth are past,
Send down and take me in Thy love
To be Thy better child above.