Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.771

First Line: Cast thy bread upon the waters,

Cast thy bread upon the waters,
Ye who have but scant supply ;
Angel eyes will watch above it,
You shall find it by-and-by.
He who in His righteous balance
Doth each human action weigh,
Will your sacrifice remember,
Will your loving deeds repay.

2 “Cast thy bread upon the waters,
Sad and weary, worn with care ;
Often sitting in the shadow----
Have you not a crumb to spare ?
Can you not to those around you
Sing some little song of hope,
As you look with longing vision
Through faith's mighty telescope ?

3 Cast thy bread upon the waters,
You who have abundant store ;
It may float on many a billow,
It may strand on many a shore.
You may think it lost for ever ;
But, as sure as God is true,
In this life, or in the other,
It will yet return to you.