Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.628
First Line: Abiding, oh, so wondrous sweet,
Abiding, oh, so wondrous sweet !
I'm resting at the Saviour's feet ;
I trust in Him ; I'm satisfied,
I'm resting in the Crucified !
Abi - - ding, abi - - ding,
Oh, how wondrous sweet !
I'm rest - - ing, rest - - ing
At the Saviour's feet. . . .
2 He speaks, and by His word is given
His peace, a rich foretaste of heaven ;
Not as the world, He peace doth
give :
'Tis through this hope my soul shall live
3 I live, but through His grace alone;
By whom the mighty work is done ;
Dead to myself, alive to Him,
I count all loss His rest to win.
4 Now rest, my heart, the work is done,
I'm saved by faith through Christ the Son !
Let every power my soul employ ?
To tell the world my peace and joy.