Quotes about Success!

“Unless you know where you are going then you will not know how to get there.” 
― Stephen Richards

“Don’t dare to dream big, just dream BIG!” 
― Stephen Richards

“Obstacles are necessary for success because in selling, as in all careers of importance, victory comes only after many struggles and countless defeats. Yet each struggle, each defeat, sharpens your skills and strengths, your courage and your endurance, your ability and your confidence and thus each obstacle is a comrade-in-arms forcing you to become better... or quit. Each rebuff is an opportunity to move forward; turn away from them, avoid them, and you throw away your future.” 
― Og Mandino

“The true measure of a man is not what he dreams, but what he aspires to be; a dream is nothing without action. Whether one fails or succeeds is irrelevant; all that matters is that there was motion in his life. That alone affects the world.” 
― Mike Norton

“If we lose all of our wealth and are only left with love then, indeed, we shall never be poor.” 
― Stephen Richards

“My life changed the day I moved beyond just wishing for things and I started earning them. That is the day I learned that we don't get what we wish for, we get what we work for.” 
― Steve Maraboli

“Success and failure are two edges of the same blade, two sides of the same coin. To fear one is to forever deny the possibility of the other.” 
― Michelle Sagara West

“It is in doing things and not reading about them that results come about.” 
― Stephen Richards